Friday, 9 October 2015

2015 Wales School Debating Championships

Image result for cewc wales logo
2015 Wales School Debating Championships

On the 8th October, two IB students took part in the Wales Schools Debating Championships at Coleg Cambria in Wrexham. The duo had less than a week to prepare for their debate topic, opposing the motion "This House would require each 'safe' country to settle a number of refugees proportionate to its wealth."
IB students Josh Roberts from Angelsey and Adam Dodd from Abergele took on the team from Coleg Cambria. Their speeches prepared, they took on a challenging team, adeptly rebutting Points of Interest and challenging the proposition arguments in a measured and assured manner. 

Whilst neither team made the finals to represent Wales in the next round, CECW and Coleg Cambria have already extended an invitation to take part in the Wales for Peace conference in Wrexham on November 6th. Students also have the opportunity to apply to the International Schools Debating Championship being held in Germany next year.

Furthermore, the interest generated from this debate will soon see the formation of a debating club at Coleg Llandrillo Rhos where students will have the opportunity to debate informally between themselves as well as going against teams from Coleg Cambria and Rhyl Sixth and taking part in future Model UN competitions and EYP.
IB1 Coordinator,Gemma Campbell said "We are all really proud of their performance, especially the way that they remained confident and eloquent, managing to handle difficult points that were thrown at them by the opposition. Hopefully, the chance to debate on a regular basis at the debating club will hone their skills for future debates.”

The future Debating Society from Coleg Llandrillo

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

CAS Residential 22/23 October 2015

The date is set, the Hostel is booked and much fun is to be had.

You should have all now received the letters, medical forms and itinerary. I need definite numbers by Friday 9th and payment must be made to Finance by Friday 16th.

Padarn Adventures are hosting our first day's activities - with High Ropes with a Twist in the morning, a packed lunch and then a team building challenge called Bridging the Gap in the afternoon.

Rain however is no barrier to fun, however be prepared to get wet! More than just rain wet too...

Our hostel is in the centre of Caernarfon and they provide all bedding and breakfast and there will be a chippy tea on the Quayside, so pennies are required. You will be creating your own evening entertainment through games at the hostel, so get your thinking caps on!

The next day will have a cultural element, with a Treasure Hunt and tour of the Castle, before returning to college in the afternoon for a review session. You will be back in time for the college buses.

I look forward to joining you on your first residential and hope you will be joining us too!

Monday, 5 October 2015

Rotary Events 2015/16

Previous Coleg Llandrillo student winners

There is quite a lot of information about the Rotary International youth competitions including entry forms on the Rotary national Website:-

The dates of the various local competitions are:-

Youth Speaks - our local competition will be held on the evening of Monday 11th January at Colwyn Bay Cricket Club. The District final will be on Sun 13th March.

Young Writer - these need to be completed by the 19th February for our local competition. The winners entries will go on to the District finals and so on.

Young Musician -  The district final will be on Saturday 6th February. The local competition will be in December, if there are entries.

Young photographer - The final judging is not until May, but we would need local entries in by 16th April.

Young Citizen Award - the deadline for entries is 27th January. There is a £500 prize
Image result for rotary club colwyn bay

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Congratulations Class of 2015

Coleg Llandrillo is delighted to announce that its International Baccalaureate (IB) students have again exceeded the world average pass rate. In the results announced in July, 100% of the college’s IB students achieved the full International Baccalaureate Diploma!
The pass rate achieved by Coleg Llandrillo students yet again massively outstrips this year’s world average pass rate, which has remained consistent over the past 30 years at around 80%. 

This is the 25th consecutive year that the college’s pass rates have been higher than the world average.
If the IB programme appeals to you, do get in touch for more information and hopefully we will welcome you to the course in the future!

The Course Coordinator says
The college has been offering the IB Diploma as an alternative to A-levels for over 20 years and I am delighted that we have again exceeded the world average pass rate. In an increasingly competitive world, universities look very favourably on the IB Diploma qualification, and these students are excellent examples of the confident, articulate and conscientious young people that flourish on this course.
The IB provides a broad education and develops personal skills which are invaluable for university studies. Recent students have gained places at some of the top universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, York, Imperial College, Royal Veterinary College, Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Edinburgh.



IB1 Coordinator: Miss Gemma Campbell

Gemma hails from a small Northern town called Manchester and as an English teacher by trade she devours books both in original form and Kindle-esque. She has a degree in Literature, where she enjoyed researching the great literary writers of the past as well as writing her own short stories and magazine articles. Having also worked as a Drama teacher, she is quite partial to the odd theatre trip and enjoys motor yachting and walking (NOT climbing!) She has one daughter, called Charlotte.

Term 1 here at GLLM

Term 1 is well underway and so this post is to welcome the new IB students to the course here at Coleg Llandrillo and to congratulate the Year 2s on their determination to return after an enjoyable and relaxing summer. With coursework deadlines piling up, TOK essay titles and Extended Essays all to be tackled, this blog is to help and support you.

The Twitter page has lots of links for TOK essays with real life exemplars and the Facebook page is awash with memes to add a little light relief to the increasing workload.