This week has been a busy week already for the IB 1 students. Monday saw the completion of the Operation Christmas Child boxes for CAS organised by Lowri and Megan. If you want to find out more about this charitable cause please visit
Monday afternoon saw 7 students attend the Project Trust Talk with Matt Owen, who regaled them with his own experiences in South Africa as well as detailing what the project is about, showing videos of students taking part in their own year abroad as well as introducing them to funding options for one of the oldest Gap Year companies in the UK. Students asked pertinent questions and many are already seriously thinking about registering their interest. For further information visit or pick up a leaflet from F05.
Just to round off a busy Monday, 3 students volunteered to help out with the college Open Evening. Hannah, Josh and Evan gave up their evening to introduce potential students to the college and the IB, show visitors around the campus and assist with any and all enquiries. Jane Cater, Marketing and Communications Manager said "Special thanks to the guides, including the excellent IB students, who walked miles, and to the many areas which were set up and had staff available to deal with enquiries from around 5pm, ensuring that visitors received a good first impression." furthermore Ancilla Roberts, Reception Manager said of the IB students "May I add to that what fabulous students were helping - even at the bus stop, two of the lads were saying what a fantastic College it was - it was so nice to hear!"
The IB is designed to promote a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond academic success.
To be an IB student implies a commitment to help all members of the school/college community learn to respect themselves, others and the world around them.
A huge thank you to all the IB students for embracing all that is on offer through the IB programme, here at the college and for volunteering their time.
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